Magellan has a famous face.

Damn, iPhone takes BIG pictures.

Remember Magellan? We were introduced the other day…

He’s on http://www.Reddit/r/guineapigs using A Song of Ice and Fire: A Dance with Dragons as a table for some celery-chomping. We’ll assume he likes the story, not just biting into the pages.

If you’re a Redditor, I ask you to please give him an upvote! How could you not love that face 🙂

Please send some good thoughts his way, too, please. He’s got a lump in his throat and we’re taking him to the veterinarian this afternoon to find out what it is.

Thank you!

*Update: Magellan’s vet has him on banana-flavored antibiotics for a week to see if the lump goes away. Hopefully it’s an infection and will be gone in a week. If it’s not gone we will take him back and see what our next step is. The good thing is that he doesn’t mind the medication and eats it quite willingly after he struggles a bit with being held up so I can get the syringe into his adorable little mouth.